Insolvency administration and insolvency administrator in Ulm. | PLUTA Rechtsanwalts GmbH
We Help Companies.

Branch Ulm

PLUTA Rechtsanwalts GmbH
Karlstraße 33
89073 Ulm

+49 731 96880-0
+49 731 96880-50 (Fax)

Branch Manager Ulm
Team Ulm

PLUTA Niederlassung Ulm

For more than 30 years PLUTA has been located in Ulm and there of around 20 years at today’s location site in the centre of the downtown Ulm.

For this reason this branch is not only the oldest one but also the core of the company. Nationally and internationally PLUTA Ulm officiates as main office, providing counselling for reorganisation and restructuring in case of insolvency and insolvency administration as well as legal advice.

The branch was or is taking care of among many others Strenesse AG, Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH, Wissmach Modefilialien GmbH & Co. KG and Rudolf Bohnacker GmbH & Co. KG.

The Ulm location stands out due to its particular location on the borders of the two economically powerful German States Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria. Together with Neu-Ulm, the position counts to be one of the rising Southern German business locations with a high quality of life and an outstanding high potential for the future.

Along key industries such as logistic or the mechanical engineering and the metal structure, the region is defined by a wide variety of the economic structure. In particular, future oriented information technologies, health economics and the pharmaceutical industry as well as the service sector complete the traditional industries.

Ulm/Neu-Ulm is also a supported science location. There are three academies (university Ulm, academy Ulm and academy Neu-Ulm) that educate qualified young academics.

Located on the Southeastern margin of the Swabian Alps in the Danube valley, the region offers diverse leisure facilities. World-renowned is the minister of Ulm. Germany’s largest protestant church has the highest steeple worldwide. Not quite as world-famous is the most important holiday of Ulm, the so-called “Nabada” (downward bathing). The carnival-like goings-on on the river Danube attracts thousands of visitors every year. The proximity to the Allgau, Lake Constance and the Southern holiday countries Austria, Switzerland, Italy and France make the area more importantly worth living.

The PLUTA insolvency lawyers and restructuring experts of the Ulm branch are connected with their region and are internationally networked.

Branch Manager Ulm

Michael Pluta

Michael Pluta
Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht, vereidigter Buchprüfer

Team Ulm

Dr. Joachim Geßler

Dr. Joachim Geßler
Rechtsanwalt, vereidigter Buchprüfer

Michael Wahl

Michael Wahl


Ilkin Bananyarli
Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht

Marielle Burgi

Marielle Burgi
Diplom-Betriebswirtin (FH)

Birgit Colberg

Birgit Colberg
Diplom-Wirtschaftsjuristin, Steuerfachangestellte

Markus Fünning

Markus Fünning
Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht

Dr. Karl-Friedrich Gulbins

Dr. Karl-Friedrich Gulbins
Rechtsanwalt, LL. M. (UoL)

Martina Hengartner

Martina Hengartner
Diplom-Kauffrau, Steuerberaterin

Stefanie Holthausen

Stefanie Holthausen
Fachkraft für Insolvenzverwaltung (DIAI)

Daniela Schneider

Daniela Jeske
Bachelor of Arts B.A.

Carina Hönle

Carina Hönle
Betriebswirtin (VWA)

Sandy Johnson

Sandy Johnson
Wirtschaftsfachwirtin (IHK)

Andrea Langlouis

Andrea Langlouis
Bilanzbuchhalterin (IHK)

Karin Obermüller

Karin Obermüller
Gepr. Fachkraft für Insolvenzverwaltung (DIAI), Zertifizierte Anfechtungsassistentin in der Insolvenz (RWS)

Caroline Pluta

Caroline Pluta
Rechtsanwältin, Fachanwältin für Arbeitsrecht, LL. M. (USD)

Susanna Schmollinger

Susanna A. Schmollinger

Dr. Dieter Schmid

Dr. Dieter Schmid
Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht

Rainer Schrabeck

Rainer Schrabeck
Diplom-Kaufmann, Steuerberater

Dieter Schulz

Dieter Schulz

Georg Jakob Stemshorn

Georg Jakob Stemshorn
Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht, LL. M. (UvA)

Hans Unsöld

Hans Unsöld


Stefan Warmuth
Rechtsanwalt, Diplom-Kaufmann, Steuerberater

Dr. Norman Werner

Dr. Norman Werner

Reinhard Wünsch

Reinhard Wünsch
Betriebswirt (VWA)

Florian A. Zistler

Florian A. Zistler
Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht