Sandy Johnson has been with PLUTA Rechtsanwalts GmbH since 2003. She has experience in handling insolvency tables as well as consumer insolvencies. She has been working in the closing department since 2018.
Her main areas of practice are the preparation of final reports and drafting of compensation applications as well as the audit of accounting under insolvency law. Furthermore, her work focuses on the revision of proceedings as well as the final distribution up to the termination of proceedings in insolvency proceedings.
Wirtschaftsfachwirtin (IHK)
Certified clerk for consumer insolvencies and discharge of residual debt (RWS)
+49 731 96880-0
Practice Areas
- Preparation of insolvency financial statements (final reports)
- Auditing of accounts under insolvency law
- Calculation of administrator compensation and court costs, formulation of compensation applications
- Review of proceedings
- Process of final distribution until termination of proceedings
- Supplementary distributions pursuant to § 203 InsO
Languages for negotiations
Career levels Sandy Johnson
seit 2004
PLUTA Rechtsanwalts GmbH
Certified clerk for consumer insolvencies and discharge of residual debt (RWS)
Wirtschaftsfachwirtin (IHK)
PLUTA Rechtsanwalts GmbH, Munich