PLUTA press contact
Patrick Sutter
relatio PR
+49 89 210 257-22
Download as PDFggp Electronics GmbH successfully commenced business operations in October. The insolvency administrator Torsten Gutmann from PLUTA Rechtsanwalts GmbH, explained: “Technologically high-quality circuit boards will also be manufactured in Germany in the future.”
The restructuring expert Torsten Gutmann and his team kept the insolvent company ggp Schaltungen GmbH running for seven months. In August, the insolvency administrator succeeded in selling the company to the American investor AIAC, that is now continuing business operations with the newly founded ggp Electronics GmbH. The Federal Cartel Office consented to the sale.
The company from Osterode am Harz in Lower Saxony manufactures circuit boards with the high-precision LDI (Laser Direct Imaging) technology, relying on the most modern systems in the process. ggp Schaltungen had to file for insolvency in January of this year. Following this, the proceedings were opened and Mr Gutmann was appointed as the insolvency administrator in March. The attorney Dr Mario Nawroth and the economist Jürgen Schendel were also involved in the PLUTA team.
PLUTA expert
Torsten Gutmann
Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht, Diplom-Kaufmann